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Location of the hotel Anna

GPS coor: 50.0747364N, 14.4417658E

Hotel Anna is set in a quiet area, away from noisy crowds in the historic center of Prague. Yet, close enough to stroll through the historic center and visit the tourist attractions when you please.

Hotel Anna Prague VinohradyHotel Anna is set in a pleasant residential area of Vinohrady, close to the historical center of Prague. Near its location on Budečská Street, you can find a number of 19th century buildings.

All the sights and historical buildings, interesting attractions, commercial and congress centers are very close to the hotel. There are also many shops, bars and restaurants in the vicinity of the hotel. Based on the recent UK-based research - Vinohrady are the coolest neighbourhood of Prague - you can read the article here. During the Christmas time you can visit Christmas markets and feel some of the Christmas spirit. Check here to see which markets are in walking sitance from the hotel. During the spring, come and enjoy Easter markets atmosphere at severe places in Prague

Náměstí Míru | Hotel Anna Prague


The Vinohrady area is very well connected to the public transport and historical center of Prague. Not far from here is the underground metro station, Náměstí Míru (line A), and a bit further (ca. 800 m), the I. P. Pavlova station (line C). A tram stop for the lines 22, 16, 4, 10, 51, 57, 59 is located roughly 150 meters from the hotel.

How to reach Hotel Anna?


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